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Hi! I am Mr. Inspiration and I help high performance individuals like you bridge the gap between their passion and profit. How may I help you today?


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Missed me? I missed you too. I have been working out a whole lot of things lately and one day I am going to write about it. I have been keeping notes hoping to post one good one one day. I hope this is one of the good ones that will help. One day I was thinking about why most times we don't reach our goals, we stop along the way. Honestly sometimes it feels someone is deliberately frustrating your efforts and leaving you depressed. My thought led me faaar! I cut some off though but I hope this little piece helps a lot. Lets begin with this question first,

Are the requirements for the completion of a project available before the thought of creation or is it created at the point of thinking the creative thought?

Theory 1: It comes before the thought.
Theory 2: Thought creates it.

If we say that it has been available and have been in existence then the question is to what purpose was it available? If it was available
before the creation of the thought, then we can confidently say it served no use and it is use that confirms the validity of a thing. What isn't in use might as well not be not be counted as being valid.

(at least in a world where the use of the thing is needed. Any wonder why people who are considered insane in societies are not included in censuses and re not considered eligible to stand to vote or be voted for?)

Going by the first assumption that the resources are already available and the thought of creation then follows, this leaves us with the responsibility of trying to 'find' the very resource that you need for the actualization. The three questions we have to be able to answer are:

1 What resource do we need?
2.Where is it located?
3. How do I get it?

There is no denying that you might find the resource, you might have a vague idea of where it is located but most times than not for most people the problem now is how to acquire the resource. This is a point of stagnancy for most people. Most times, this is where we throw in the towel, this where we give up,where most dreams die. This is so true! No, take some time and think about it. That's where the matter ends for most people which isn't supposed to be, it's your dream and you must achieve it. Every desire Napoleon Hill said is possibility seeking expression. You don't want what isn't natural with you. Do you ever feel like going out on the field and have a nice graze under the warm sun chewing on some succulent green grass? I bet you don't!

Why does such a person encounter difficulty?

The fellow faces this difficulty because he/she is trying to connect the thoughts looking forward. It was Steve Jobs who said you can't connect the dots looking forward,you can only connect the dots looking backwards, you just have to believe the dots will connect themselves as you go along. Most people that got what they got didn't know how they were going to do it at first but they had only a firm believe that they would actually do it and they did, now they can connect the dots looking backwards not forward.

The truth is that the materials needed for the actualization of any project is in the very thought of the creation of that actualization itself.
Meaning that each thought you have carries its own resources along as they come

So what does that mean for you?

It means that when you want to begin the conception of a thing, you need not begin to ask if the materials are available. Even if they were you will now have put yourself up for mental stress looking for materials you didn't keep! A quick example is that of the airplane. Most people believe the materials needed for the creation of the airplane has always been available.

( I still believe there where materials invented as the thoughts progressed I do not negate their believe all I am saying existence is no existence if its invalid in a society from the context we speak)

The fact that there were no airplanes made it useless which we have established earlier that use confirms validity.
The moment the mind of man was able to comprehend the possibility of creating the airplane the materials needed surfaced everywhere! Even alternatives surfaced.
That's how these things work, with this knowledge what then should you do and how should you do it? Check it out on my next post, feel free to comment and share your thoughts down below with me and share the blog with your friends you never can tell who is trying to achieve a goal.

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"Never a man ever believed in a thing with all his heart and never got it" Odimgbe Tochukwu.


Hello and welcome, I want to begin by asking you a question. What do you want? Are the results in your life what you really want? You see,its time we started taking an honest look at our results. What I am writing today is a subject that a lot of people have little knowledge of what to do about it but yet everyone small or great, old or young, rich or poor experience it. The factor I am talking about is responsible for the failure of so many great businesses, The death of great talents, potentials and gifts. This single factor is what has robbed men of their highest rewards in life. It is what keeps potential spouses still apart, it is what causes students in school to believe they do not know even when they know, it is what has brought the richest man down to poverty and has led the poor deeper in poverty. This factor has led men to ignore that which they love and go after that which they have not even the faintest affection for. This factor that I have spoken so much about is called FEAR Fear is responsible for more harm than good as far as the human potential is concerned. You see, because of fear, many people have become extras in their own movie instead of being the main actors.

There is a poem I love so much by Christopher Logue:

"Come to the edge, he said.
We are afraid, they said.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came to the edge,
He pushed them and they flew.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They came. It pushed them...
And they flew."

You are permitted to feel the fear but you are not permitted to let that fear stop you.


1. Identify your fear, write it down and read it as you read, assure yourself that your fear is just an illusion and a suggestion of doubt.

2. Write out the task you have at hand.

3. Break your task into sections or little units

4. Visualize the success of your overall success twice everyday once upon awakening and once before retiring to bed at night.

5. Make a written statement of you enjoying the success of your overall goal and read it out loud twice everyday once upon awakening and once before retiring to bed at night.

By the time you make a habit of taking this step whenever you have an assignment to do and feel fearful you would soon realise that fear actually is really False Evidence Appearing Real.


Hello guys! Have you ever been in that situation where you wish you had all the things you ever want in life? Have you ever felt like your business needs a jolt? Have you wondered how the rich keeps getting richer in this crazy recession? Hey! All those ain't gonna help, complaining and worrying adds nothing to you but instead takes everything from you. Fear, worry and anxiety are all caused by ignorance. Awareness holds the key... What you are aware of is what happens for and to you. One of my greatest mentors Bob Proctor once said that a man who earns let's say #5,000 earns that not necessarily because he wants and loves to earn that it is majorly because he is not aware of how to earn #5,000,000. The moment he learns how to double his income, he will change his results. Awareness is the key! That is why I am doing this post for a powerful event that can change your life forever and you don't want to miss this... It is tagged: Building Your Own Empire Master Class. I will be speaking at this event on the 11th of March 2017 along side two greats speakers, coaches and strategists Omomo Ibe and John Akerele. Who is this for? Anyone that wants to build a business out of his/her passion. Anyone who is sick and tired of being broke. Anyone who is tired of endless job searches. Anyone who wants to be in charge of his/her finances. Anyone who wants to help others live a better life and discover themselves. Anyone who feels that he/she needs and deserves more than he/she has right now. If you fall into any of these categories, don't waste any precious second, this event is for you. It's all about you and how to help you get what you want. Call the numbers and the venue will be sent to you. See you there! To your success!


Hello guys, my name is Odimgbe Tochukwu! Mr. Inspiration! I know you already know that lol! *wink* Alright, today I am going to do a short one on one singular ingredient that is very common in high fliers and the super successful. I know you know so many great things that make a man great but today, lets look at one word: RISK! You see, risk is actually a very good word but many people hate to hear it. But risk actually is an expression of belief in divine guidance. The show of your trust in the divine is trust and trust in the spiritual is most times considered risk in the physical. I love this write up and I want to share it with you: “COME TO THE EDGE, HE SAID. THEY SAID: WE ARE AFRAID. COME TO THE EDGE, HE SAID. THEY CAME. HE PUSHED THEM, AND THEY FLEW…” -GUILLAUME APOLLINAIRE AVANT-GARDE FRENCH POET. The truth is that you cannot fall to the ground because on your way down you would discover what to do. A lot of us get stuck in the analysis paralysis and they are feeling pretty! Yuck! don't be a planner! There is a device that does that now! Be an EXECUTIONER! Or as Steve Harris calls it a "Ruthless EdgeEcutioner." Be an executioner and be very intentional in your action. Trust that your dream is achievable and go for it. Talk to you soon. Oh! Double your income seminar was a BLAST!


I have been looking for a way to teach what I have learned
to people who are suffering because they do not know that they are God’s highest form of creation and hence very powerful. We are creators and real creators indeed. I have always believed that we would have a free and wonderful time when we don’t have to think about money. I often ask people what would be different for them if they could turn their annual income into their monthly income. Think about it and really look at your results and see if you want to learn how to do this. Even if
you don’t have a job now, you would be taught to create and run one. Because you have desired to ‘Double your income. You have attracted this seminar that I am bringing to you! You don’t want to miss it. Call the numbers and make your reservation, you will be glad you did. You are God’s highest form of creation and very powerful indeed. YOU CAN DOUBLE YOUR INCOME and YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE! 


I am very happy that a lot of messages are coming in concerning my posts. It shows that I am preaching to the right crowd! Lol. Alright I want to thank all my loyal visitors and the new ones (the soon to be loyal ones). I remember that I did a post on desire and we established the fact that desire is actually the starting point to the actualization of  any goal and any success in life and not just any kind of desire but a burning desire. One that Alfred Adler says can use you. In this post, I will be telling you the major importance of having a burning desire. So now the question is:
    What would a burning desire do for you?
> It will grant you unusual strength to move and open up to you the creative power of your subconscious mind. Steve Jobs in an interview stated that if you don't love what you do and desire to succeed in it then the chances are that you will give up before time and throw in the towel and this my friends is the character of losers.
> It opens you up for opportunities that you have hitherto not seen before. When you desire a thing long enough that you begin to visualize the success of that event, you focus your brain by programming its RAS reticular  activating system which makes it possible to notice means around you to meet your goal.
> When you have a strong desire to succeed, you will begin to attract to yourself the people, things and circumstances needed for the actualization of your goal.
There are many other things that a burning desire can do for you but they all fall under the above listed benefits as sub benefits. So, as Thomas Troward will say, "get into the spirit of it." get into a state of burning desire. You can have that strong desire by deciding what you really really want and then focus on that dream of yours each day in visualization and affirmation. Before you know it, as Bob Proctor says, it will turn from a want to a desire and your dream manifests in the physical.
Don't forget to drop your comments for us to know what you would begin to do from now onward.
To your success!


Hello guys, I hope you enjoyed my last post and you have been enjoying all the other posts? This particular post is for my friends who are feeling a great amount of fear when it comes to actualizing their goals.
Today, I want to talk about fear and what fear can do to the life of a man. someone once defined fear this way:
I think this is simply incredible. It is true, fear is a feeling so also is hope and to an extent faith. Fear has never gotten anyone to his/her goal. It has instead taken things away. Fear has stopped people from  achieving their goals, from making the change that they desire, fear has also stopped people from living the life that they have always wanted. Fear has made a lot of people not to put what they know into action. Fear is a killer and the very best way to keep your dream alive is to kill the killer.
Step out in faith, fell the fear but do it anyway. Just be sure that what you really really want is what you are doing. Remember and say to yourself that if it has to be then its up to me! I believe!

#feelthefearanddoit #motivation #achievers'diet #neverletfearstopyou


Today I was really thinking about our last discussion on qualified and the fact that we are either qualified or disqualified by our own thinking. What we think are actually the things that manifest as reality. Today I would still follow through our last discussion and reiterate the fact that man becomes what he thinks for 'as a man thinketh so is he'. 'So is he' not 'so shall he be'. You are today what you thought about yesterday and you will definitely be tomorrow what you are thinking about today. Think good! Think success! Think wealth! Think God! Think upwards! Think shift!
Have a wonderful day guys and do have a blessed time thinking your way to success!


Hello guys! I have been away for a sorry about that and I want to apologize. Well, I want you to know that I  HAVE GRADUATED! and this means more time for us. Today, I want to write on a wonderful topic, a topic that would open you up to the reality of the fact that you can have anything you want and in whatever quantity that you want it.
This is the truth that we are not taught in school; how to get what we want when we want it.
You know that there is an erroneous believe that you have to have a high IQ to be rich. I beg to disagree. I saw a quote today on Instagram by Leadership guru, Robin Sharma. He said that your 'I CAN' is more important than your IQ. I concur that this is true. You would agree to the fact  that there are people that are not as literate as you who are millionaires and you also know people that are not as hardworking as you are  but are  enjoying happiness, health and wealth. So what is the challenge? What do you think is the cause of this? What qualified them for this great life and lifestyle? How can you too be qualified? You are qualified by your thinking. Henry Ford said that whether you say you can or that you can't that either way, you are right.
This is the secret of the happy healthy and wealthy people. There is a secret to everything that is high and lofty. If there were no secrets to it then everyone would be there but at the same time it is more of a principle than a secret. You too can begin to change your mind to change your life by working this simple but yet powerful principle. Understand that nobody is responsible for your life and how it turns out. you are 100% responsible so you have to stop entertaining limiting beliefs and let in only those beliefs that are empowering and appreciates your strengths and not your weaknesses. Let in only those thoughts of motivation and keep in your mind that if it can be done then I CAN because your I Can is more important than your IQ! Take care guys! Like and share.