Hello guys, I really want to thank you guys for visiting and liking the posts that have been on lately. You guys are awesome! Thanks. This morning, I woke up with the urge to share one of my thoughts that has been published on facebook but I think it is important that I share the same here. Read after the cut.
       One of the universal laws that I find really outstanding is that a man could change his position and his present state of affairs by changing his thought pattern and believe system. There is this thing that I call PBS- Personal Believe System. The PBS forms an inner layer in a man that transcends to the physical and we find out that most times people act in a particular way. The weak man has a weak belief whereas the strongman has a strong belief. This goes on to say that if a man wishes to be strong and thinks weakness, he can only without fail be weak.
      Most times our PBS is formed because of what we have known as children. When you were younger, you never had a thought of impossibility. You thought you could hold fire, hold water, throw anything around and it won't always believe that daddy has all the money that there is and that the money was always available for you to buy whatever you want. You even believed that your daddy could beat another person's daddy, as a matter of fact daddy could beat all other daddies. Your life was entirely that of possibility and positivism but as you grew up a man that has experienced pain related the world as pain, a man that has experienced hardship relates the world as hardship. The truth is that opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth and you should not allow another man's perception to change your belief system. And as I will always say, you don't have to accept everyone's opinion of you. You are entitled to only those opinions and thoughts that make you feel great and like a winner that you are.Treasure your childlike mentality that was what God created us with. It is your default setting. Your possibility mentality is for you to keep and treasure lest any man affect your thought pattern by his own experiences.
Friends,I submit to you that really, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he..." Go back to when you believed everything is possible. That is what the God life is- a world of possibility! Don't forget that "EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE to him that believes" Mark 9:23.
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