Have you thought about this, why very few people out of many achieve their goals and dreams? Really, its worth giving a serious thought, a lot of people have asked the question of what else are the people on top doing? Why am I not getting it? Am I really an idiot as they say? Will I amount to anything? What if I fail? What if no one supports me? What if they don't like me? What if things don't work out the way I planned? This and so many other questions bother the minds of so many people. I want you to know that I had a similar challenge when I didn't know myself and what I wanted, I got to that point where, I now knew what I wanted but I was continually denied access while others seemed to have unlimited access to the place of living their dreams.
I would give you a brief on what I did and why I did what I did. When I found out that I always do not meet my goal, I decided it was time for me to check out what the problem was, I faced my fears and defeated them. I found out that I had a battered mindset of myself, I always thought myself to be inadequate, I chose what others said about me instead of what I said about myself. I was scared of dreaming big because I couldn't see how all I wanted could happen. With these, I let me dream go, I betrayed myself.
But you know what my friend? Let me tell you something you already know, when it comes to you and achieving your dreams, you are the boss. God has made you one so you must act like that and not be a wimp running from every challenge. Stand your ground and defend your dream, stand for what you know is true and for what you believe and that is that you are smart and that you have the ability to be where you desire to be. Believe you are smart and beautiful and rich and loveable and friendly and in shape! Believe it because that is the truth even if you don't see it and as Napoleon Hil said, "what ever the heart of man can concieve, it can achieve" I believe in you that you can stay true to your dream until it is accomplished because you can, know that that dream is possible. I love you!!!.
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